The VIN entered is invalid. Please check and try again.

Free VIN decoder & VIN lookup to find the history of the vehicle. Get the complete history of your motor vehicles by using the VIN tool-free. The vehicle identification number contains complete manufacturing & other detail of motor vehicles. The VIN number is basically 17 character string which is a combination of numbers & letters. All characters of the VIN number have some special information about the vehicle such as vehicle manufacturing year, country, model type, engine number, chassis number & other information.
Basically, the motor vehicle identification number is used to identify the information of all types of vehicles such as cars, motorbikes, trucks, SUVs, vans & others motor vehicles. The decoder VIN number is designed & implemented by the ISO institute to get vehicle history. You can easily find the VIN serial number in various locations of motor vehicles like in front of the dashboard or in driver-side door jams. Simply you can paste this vehicle identification number into the free VIN decoder tool to get complete information about the vehicle. The free VIN lookup also helps to determine all information about the car including accidental history, vehicle modification detail, stolen or illegal modification & many more.
Where is the VIN number in my car
Most people have the general question, where i can find VIN in my car? & the answer is there are various locations in a car you can get the VIN number of the vehicle. This 17-character alphanumeric string is a unique code given to automobile units during the manufacturing of vehicles. There is no need to worry about the location of the VIN number. It’s all in your vehicle. You can easily find the VIN number in the lower corner of your windshield on the driver’s side of your vehicle. More clearly you can see the location of the VIN number of vehicles in the below image.

How I decode my VIN number
- The first digit stands for the code of the country of manufacture.
- The second digit of the VIN number defines the vehicle manufacturer.
- The third digit of the VIN number which could be identified by VIN lookup is defined as the type/division of the vehicle.
- The middle five digits of the VIN number stand for the brand, body style, engine size, series, and type of vehicle.
- The ninth digit is used for the security check digit.
- The 10th digit is defining the model year of the vehicle.
- The 11th digit is used for the assembly plant.
- The last six digits are defining the vehicle’s serial number of manufactured.
Way to find vehicle identification number
Usually in the passenger car, you find the VIN number on the front side of dashboard in the driver side. To watch it properly look from the windshield out of the car. The other location of the VIN number is the pillar area of the driver-side gate. To see the Vehicle identification number on this location you need to open the driver side gate & look around the place where the vehicle door latches.
In two-wheelers like motorbikes or other vehicles, the VIN number is located at the handlebars. A semitrailer’s VIN is located on the front part of the semitrailer on the left side. If you can’t find the VIN number on the vehicle, you should also be able to locate it on your vehicle’s title or liability insurance documents.
Check engine size by VIN number
If any person wants to know about the engine of your vehicle. You can easily answer the size of the vehicle engine by just watching the VIN number. That 17 disit number contains complete information about your vehicle. Even though if you had buy the used car. It also describes the engine size. In that VIN number, the eight-digit from the left denotes the engine codes. On seeing the engine codes we can easily define the size of the engine.
How to identify Vehicle information by using VIN Decoder- VIN number lookup
To get the information for vehicle history or VIN lookup, very first you need to identify the 17 characters VIN number of your vehicle. Then after using the VIN decoder tool to get the complete information related to the vehicles. Autotechio offers a completely free VIN decoder for all types of vehicles. The output result after inserting the vehicle identification number, the report contains a report of the manufacturer, manufacturing location, brand name (including makes & model), engine size & number, chassis number, etc. All the information is collected from the NHTSA from the submitted data of the vehicle by the manufacturer. The standard version of the VIN decoder comes in 1981 so if you have any vehicle which is manufacture before 1981, most likely contains 11 characters VIN number.
What is the importance of the VIN number?
As we explained that a vehicle identification number or a VIN number contain complete detail of a vehicle. But along with them, VIN number check is more helpful in other fields. Here get the information for a few of the best features of VIN lookup.
Vehicle theft information: At the time of buying a car this is very tough to identify car is stolen or not. But with the help of a vehicle identification number, you can easily identify the owner & other detail of vehicles.
Ownership detail: With the help of the VIN decoder tool you will get the complete ownership detail including the condition of the car. Such as car is 1st hand or 2nd hand.
Vehicle accidental history: At the time of buying a used engine car this is very important to find out the accidental & parts replacement history of the car or any other motor vehicle. VIN helps you to find out all of these queries.
Airbag & 0ther safety deployment: Always put safety first when looking for a used or new engine vehicle. The vehicle identification number tells you about any accident or airbag deployment history.
Car mileage & performance check: Most of the time many vehicle distributors share fake information about the car performance & mileage. But the VIN number helps you to identify the exact mileage & other data of the vehicle which the company offered.