
Nearly every state requires drivers to get car insurance to protect themselves in the event of a car accident. There are approximately one out of every eight uninsured drivers. You will likely suffer several consequences if you drive without car insurance, mainly if you cause an accident.

There are strict rules in Australia regarding car accidents. If you are searching for what to do when you face an accident in Australia without car insurance, then motor claims will become necessary.

What Should You Know About Driving Without Car Insurance?

You must know what must be done as soon as possible if you are driving without valid car insurance and are involved in a car accident:

  • The financial responsibility for any injuries and damage to your vehicle will usually fall on you if you are found at fault.
  • Uninsured drivers may have a more challenging time getting compensation for car accident injuries and losses, even when the opposite driver is at fault.

If You Live In A State With No-Fault Insurance

“No-fault” car insurance systems are common in Australia. In a no-fault state, if a motorist is injured in a car accident here, they are required to seek compensation from their insurance company to cover their economic losses due to the accident. If you are thinking about what to do and how to take action in this scenario, an injured person can take action outside the no-fault system and sue the insurance company.

Due to a lack of insurance, if a lawsuit is filed against you, the injured person will have to pay any damages out of pocket. You may also be required to hire a lawyer unless you want to defend the case. You will be ordered to pay the damages as soon as a judgment is entered against you after a trial where you are found responsible for the other driver’s damages.

The Right Way To Get Help After A Car Accident

You might face several obstacles when driving without insurance and getting into a car accident. Financially, you have a lot on the line if the other driver is trying to blame you for the crash. Alternatively, if you think another driver was at fault for the accident, you may have an uphill battle pursuing an uninsured motorist injury claim.

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